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A trifle pink

Is there any dessert that screams Christmas more than a trifle? Our take on this Christmas classic combines our Pink Prosecco jelly, fresh berries, cream, custard and jam sponge.

This recipe uses 2 cups of Pink Prosecco to make the jelly, so it's not one for the kids. For an alcohol free version try substituting the Pink Prosecco for sparkling grape or apple juice.



2 punnets raspberries

1 punnet blueberries

1 punnet strawberries

1 x 400g jam sponge roll [cut into 1 cm slices and sprinkled with Pink Prosecco]

2 cups vanilla custard

1 1/2 – 2 cups thickened cream

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp caster sugar

Pink prosecco [to sprinkle over jam sponge roll]

Ingredients for jelly

1 1/2 tbsp [or 2 sachets] of gelatin

1 cup boiled water

2 cups Pink Prosecco

1/2 cup Grapetiser sparkling red grape juice [this enhances the colour]. Alternatively substitute for sparkling apple juice.

Ingredients for meringue

3 egg whites

3/4 cup caster sugar



  1. In a jug, add the boiled water and sprinkle the gelatin over the top [never the other way around]. Stir until completely dissolved. Allow to come to room temperature and then add the grape juice [or apple juice] and the prosecco. Tip - if the jelly needs more colour, add a drop of red food colouring to enhance the colour as desired.
  2. Pour jelly into the bottom of a trifle dish. Add a handful or two of berries and place in the fridge to set. Prepare the day before or allow 2-3 hours setting time.
  3. While the jelly is setting, add thickened cream, vanilla extract, and caster sugar to a bowl. Using an electric mixer, whisk until sugar has dissolved and cream is fluffy. Fold custard into mixture.
  4. Pour a thin layer of cream over the jelly. Sprinkle with a handful or two of berries. Top with a layer of sponge. Continue layering with remaining cream, berries, and sponge as desired.
  5. To make the meringue, use an electric mixer to whisk egg whites in a bowl. Gradually add the caster sugar 1 tbsp at a time whisking well after each addition. Continue whisking until sugar dissolves and soft peaks form.
  6. Spoon the meringue over the trifle. Use a kitchen blowtorch to toast until browned all over.
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